SF Seminar '97 Information

SF(Science Fiction) Seminar is the serious, constructive and entertaining convention which takes place once a year in Tokyo for over 10 years. It contains many panels on domestic and foreign science fiction and fantasy. If you are interested in science fiction and live near Tokyo, you should attend!

May 3rd, 1997 (10:00am - midnight)
Zentei Kaikan([map] Suido-bashi, Tokyo) - daytime
Futaki Ryokan (Hongo, Tokyo) - nighttime
Daytime Programme
Stephen Baxter Live Interview
On J. G. Ballard's works
On Recent Japanese Mystery
Classic Japanese sf in Meiji era
* all programme except Baxter Interview have no English interpretation.
Contact person:
Akira Hamada
6-4-7-805 Hashimoto, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
email:hamada@twics.com, fax:0427-72-0280
If you're interested, please email to me.

SF Seminar Home Page (in Japanese[JIS])

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